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  1. Not sure about the HRM – sorry!!

    Mmm, chili!!

    I miss mangoes – they’ve been TERRIBLE here lately 🙁 Thank goodness for frozen mango though!!

  2. The new Jason Mraz cd is great! You’ll love it 🙂

    I can’t find spooky s’mores!!!! This stinks. I’ll keep looking.

  3. wholefoodswholeme

    when i went to the gym with my HRM for the first time, the same thing happened to me – suddenly all the machines were picking up my heart rate very accurately (though sometimes the calorie count didn’t match my polar) – i think the machines pick the HR up from the transmitter!! very clever stuff. also made me realise just HOW off their calorie counts had been when they hadn’t registered my HR in the past..

    your chili looks delicious – and over 40g protein?!?!?! woah!

  4. Lol, my bet is that the cuke was just mad! I can’t find the Smores Zbars anywhere near me… I’ve got to find them!

  5. Megan

    Yup, the cardio machines at the gym will pick up your HRM signal. Usually even the machines next to you will pick it up. It won’t have an accurate calorie count, but it is nice to see your HR on there instead of constantly looking at the watch.

  6. My gym uses TechnoGym machines and I have noticed they read my HR as well. Basically, you could even go without your watch, just wearing your strap, and it would give you the details regarding the calories you burned, max + avg HR etc. Furthermore, the machines we have use the CPR (Constant Pulse Rate) technology which means you can set a constant HR for your entire workout, and the speed will change accordingly.

  7. The TM was probably picking up your signal. But I’d also say that the TM is one of the more accurate machines in the gym (compared to the countless ellipticals and stat bikes and all).

  8. yes, at my old gym, they were trying to push selling HRM to members by saying that all the cardio machines in the gym would pick up the signal.

  9. I like how you’re including your meal-based calories. I am thinking about doing that since I am still 10 lbs away from my weight loss goal. Do you find it helpful so far?

  10. norak82

    i LOVE jason mraz!! good DL pick!

  11. Your chili looks freakin amazing! 🙂

  12. biz319

    Wow, that’s a great price for that fruit!

    I’ll have to check out my local Sam’s!

    chili looks so good!

  13. the new jmraz cd is sooooo good! It puts me in the best mood! Good luck with all the cleaning tonight! Cleaning always makes me feel refreshed!

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