12 Responses to “PhillyBoy the Chef”


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  1. Before I left on vacation I donated a TON of stuff. You are so right, you just need to be ruthless and get rid of it!

  2. Hooray for cleaning out the house! It feels soooo good to have de-cluttered space. And I love that you all cook together. Josh and I need to do this more often

  3. you guys are so cute 🙂 i love cooking with Nate…he’s so sexy when he’s chopping stuff, seasoning, and sauteing everything together 🙂

  4. I hate clutter so I’m glad I never have to do clean sweeps like this. My boyfriend and I have a joke where we say that if we ever have to move out of our condo in one day, we want to be able to grab everything and jam. Neither of us is big into clothes or material items, so I guess it works out well.
    Good job on your cleaning and I’m SO glad you donated everything!

  5. you have to be in that throw out mood!

  6. love the tip to be ruthless! I recently moved across the country and got rid of SO MUCH stuff! It felt good 🙂 and I don’t miss a thing!

    The eggplant parm looks great- one of my favorite foods!

  7. That’s awesome you guys cleaned out your condo. I’ve been trying to do that for 3 years. By the end of the summer it’s going to be done. It is. It is. It is. I hope. 🙂

    Love the advice of taking a picture!

  8. I know, right? Kath has been making me want to organize too and buy Mason jars for beans and matching spice jars for spices. Darn all the Type A bloggers 😉 PB is adorable.

  9. Thanks for the organizing tips. I definitely need to do some of that! As for cooking with the hubby…it drives me crazy. He “taste-tests” the food so much that it’s half gone! I guess I am just a control freak. He’s an awesome cook and I’m a good cook, but I’d rather we do it one person at a time! ; )

  10. I totally agree…but my MOTHER digs the stuff I try to throw away (old underwear) out of the trash! And now I just have to sneak my old t-shirts off to Goodwill before she takes heed!

  11. Nadine

    I am blessed by not having two genes: the shopping gene and the gotta-keep-everything gene. I don’t get attached to THINGS.

    Last night, hubby and I cooked a meal, just the two of us. He used to be a chef, so he usually cooks all the complicated recipes I give him, and I stick to the simple stuff like meatloaf and pasta! But, I too love the dance. We’ve been together so long now that I make a pretty good sous chef for him!

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