23 Responses to “Confessions of a Pregnant Foodie”


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  1. I love your blog! I know I have heard of your blog but I read your birth plan on Babycenter and I knew I had to read your blog. I am 27 weeks and I love your post today. I look forward reading more as it seems we have a lot in common! Blessings on your new baby!

  2. Omg I can’t believe the guy at the bar didn’t find you a place if he said you couldn’t sit there.

    So interesting that you can listen to your body now and have small portions of things you like, I hope you are able to do that after you have the baby! I’d love to be capable of that:-)

  3. I feel ya on the lack of wine- dinners are more fun with a little something to sip on, but we’ll be back to sipping before too long, now!
    We’re both getting so close ๐Ÿ™‚

    And lemon feta pasta sounds sooooo good now…I must make it!!

  4. It IS liberating. I LOVED being pregnant because I never felt guilty about eating….anything. I’m so happy for you. Breastfeeding gives you a lot of freedom, too, because you burn SO many calories….but you also wake up starving in the middle of the night and that’s no fun.

  5. hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ Cute post! Glad you’ve been enjoying your favorite foods! Being pregnant is pretty fabulous. I’m just starting to get a little like…ok….are we there yet ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I love your blog, I came across it a few weeks ago, and I love how honest you are when it comes to your pregnancy. Husband and I are planning on TTC in the next few months, so I’ve been reading up on everything about pregnancy!

  7. Ali

    I went to an indoor concert and the smell of pot smoke was so strong my husband and I had to leave after about 4 songs! I felt like the silly pregnant lady as I cried on the way out. We went to get ice cream instead ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I am not pregnant myself but I love hearing about all your updates. You have been so honest from the start and I think thats what makes it so much more human and interesting.

    I really love that you are eating what you want and your body is finding the balance for you.

    ps. sometimes I cry at stupid things like that and I’m not even pregnant so don’t feel bad!

  9. Sabrina, I absolutely love these posts and how honest you are with everything. I also love your healthy attitude towards the weight gain and your healthy perspective towards eating while pregnant (#8). I think we all want to achieve that type of normalcy when eating…it’s always a work in progress for me too ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Pregnancy was so liberating! I’m glad you are enjoying it. I think I went through 3-4 bags on mini eggs while I was pregnant. :S And really, who tells a pregnant woman she can’t sit? Seriously?!

  11. I’m overheating as well and I’m only 15.5 weeks. Goodness. I usually love the Summer but I’m totally ready for Fall.

  12. TC

    I always get upset when my boyfriend eats the last of the leftovers and I’m not even pregnant, ha! I usually take a few moments to sulk as well.

  13. Awww, the emotions of being pregnant. I remember it very well and many times my husband would make fun of me when I’d cry at the drop of a hat. Meanie! It is such a rollercoaster.
    Hugs, girl! You doing wonderfully and look amazing!

  14. Allison W.

    I made your lemon feta pasta last night and it was great! I added Trader Joe’s roasted garlic chicken sausage for my boyfriend, and he loved it.

  15. Katie

    Totally relate to this post. I had the food obsession thing with both pregnancies. I also love that being pregnant helps you eat perfectly, fruits, veggies and some treats. Sure wish that lasted afterwards for me. Best of luck to you with your new bundle!

  16. I loved reading all of your confessions…but what’s my excuse for ice cream being it’s own food group, given that I’m not pregnant!

  17. Hmmm I have a feeling I am going to be JUST like this when I’m pregnant. Especially #8. As much as I don;t want to gain too much weight, I also can’t wait to enjoy some of those off-limit treats once in a while without guilt. I find it so ironic that pregnant women get so many cravings yet can’t eat a lot since the baby is fighitng for the same space as the food ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Ah! I went to the bar Thanksgiving eve which ended up being only 2 weeks before I gave birth. Everyone was staring at me and making comments like “looks like twins”, etc. etc. We went home shortly after that… being a permanent DD (designated driver) sucks!

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