No Responses to “Recipes coming up this week… and menu too!”


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  1. Aww, cute photograph 🙂

    So fun that PB is in Jamaica!! Talk about paradise.

    Enjoy your Monday!!

  2. very cute pic 🙂

  3. hangrypants

    Father Daughter Dances were the best! I always went to Newport Creamery or Friendly’s after for ice cream!

    I am going to Philly this weekend, too!

    I wanted to let you know I’m keeping track of the HFCS free foods I find and will post them at the end of the month.

  4. hangrypants

    P.S. I also responded to your PB inquiry, but just so you get it: The Chocolate Dreams PB was really really good. I think I saw on your blog you have a thing for Nutella, so I imagine it’s a less exotic version of that. I think they sell it at Dave’s and other flavors of the same brand at Stop & Shop.

  5. rhodeygirltests

    VeggieGirl + ttfn300- thanks!

    Hangrypants- thanks for the PB reply, I was trying to find the post I had asked you about it on and I couldn’t find it, so much appreciated that you sent it to me!

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