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  1. I definitely need to try laying my clothes out the night before.

    I drink constantly throughout the day too – water bottles, hot tea, and a diet soda with lunch (but I’m trying to quit that).

  2. hangrypants

    I am glad you are positive today! Nothing like cute accesories to boos your mood.

    My tip for waking up … plan a delicious breakfast the night before. 🙂

  3. graduatemeghann

    My trick is tha ti know when I get up I can have something to eat 🙂 I always have half a z bar to wake me up and get me motivated.

    I love the plates by the way. Do you bring those to work with you?

  4. Biz

    I offer to drop my daughter off at high school every morning to ensure that I get my a@@ out of bed at 6:30 every day. I don’t have to leave my house for work until 8:30 (10 minute commute), so there is no excuse not to exercise in the morning.

    Yet, I have been known as the snooze queen most of my life! But knowing that someone is depending on me makes all the difference.

  5. No worries, I too am a klutz in the kitchen 😉

    I’m naturally an early-bird, so I don’t have an issue getting up early. But hey, getting enough rest definitely helps!! Oh and drinking LOTS of water upon rising, before eating anything.

  6. rhodeygirltests

    maggie- i replaced my diet coke with a seltzer a year ago and I haven’t looked back since. i still get the fizzy goodness without all the fake stuff. give it a shot!

    hangry- my only problem with that is that I don’t eat til after my workout, so if I snooze I still get my yummy bfast hahaha

    graduate meghann- Yeah, I bought them the other day and I have been washing them in our kitchen sink. I’ll probably bring them home over the weekend to throw them in the dishwasher for good measure.

    Biz- wow that must be a great motivator. I think I would workout every morning if I didn’t go to work until 8:30, maybe when I join the true corporate america next year?!?!?!

    VG- hmm, I will try drinking water Friday and see if it does me any good! thanks for the tip!

  7. Julie

    Great tips! I go to the gym at work every morning. I put all my stuff together by the door the night before (clothes for work, lunch bag, purse, etc)….also have coffee pot ready to go so I just have to turn it on. And definitely get work out clothes laid out too. Basically anything I can think of so all I have to do is get up and go (and not have to think about anything). Love your blog BTW

  8. rhodeygirltests

    Julie- Thanks for your tips and compliments!

  9. did you see my disaster in the kitchen?? lol, that sandwich looks great 🙂 I was going to mention, since you’re having trouble with your ankel… I’ve trained for a 10miler and 1/2marathon on running 3d a week due to my own foot/alignment/knee issues. It really can work, if you have any questions let me know! Taking up cycling and swimming has been a godsend!

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