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  1. It was great meeting you as well. It’s too bad that the table was so long as it would have been nice to chat. And yes, I do love pink. It’s the color of a lot of my kitchen stuff as well as my bathroom walls.

    I blog to keep myself from forgetting how much I really do cook and about the fun meals I make as well as to network with other home cooks.

  2. So jealous obviously.

    I read different blogs for different reasons. Sometimes I like to learn about new foods or ways of preparation, sometimes I like to learn about working out or to get motivation, sometimes I need a laugh and sometimes I want to read a good story. I find the blogs I read the most consistently are those that I feel like I relate to, and therefore, like I could be friends with the author.

  3. How fun!!!!Food looks great to. I blog because I want to share recipes and the things going on in my life and I read because I want to learn about the different foods people eat, the recipes they use, and a little bit about each of their lives as well!

  4. Wow! There are some great bloggers in Boston! So jealous of the fun meet up!! πŸ™‚

  5. yay!! sounds super fun. πŸ™‚

  6. So great to meet you last night! I’ve joined blogland as a way to share my interest in cooking, eating, and photography.

  7. This was so much fun! It was awesome talking to you, and I agree – we would totally be friends if we worked in the same office building. And I can’t wait to hear more details of your wedding!

    I started out blogging as a way to show my family what I was up to after moving away, but now it’s just a great way to keep in touch with everyone. Gotta love that.

  8. so nice to meet you! I am excited for you to be moving to philly πŸ™‚ i do miss it…

    i started blogging b/c i was always on the search for healthier recipes and trying them out. I figured there were probably others out there looking for similar things, so I decided to share my adventures!

  9. That sounds like a nice restaurant. Looks like you had a nice time. I love when a place has great plating presentation – a work of art.

  10. squash fettucini? Yummm…ultimate comfort food.

  11. What a great blogger meet-up! Some of my favs for sure!

    I started blogging to lose weight and learn how to cook a little! I have lost some and have learned a lot from everyone in this community!

  12. innascribbles

    Aww, Sabrina, thank you so much for such a lovely compliment! It was wonderful meeting you- you are absolutely gorgeous and so much fun to be around!
    I’m glad the dinner last night introduced me to you and your blog- I love it! I really hope we can all get together again before you move to Philly.

  13. Ohmygoodness! So fun! I am so so so jealous! πŸ™‚ What a great evening!

  14. Wish I couldda been there!

  15. The meet up looks so fun! I read blogs because I love to see new foods and recipes. I blog myself because I love to share my feelings and meet other bloggers!

  16. sue

    hi sabrina, it was nice to meet you as well! thanks for posting this great wrap-up, you are so on top of things!
    i started a blog because i was really inspired by other blogs to shape up and live a healthier lifestyle and hoped to share my journey/ road blocks πŸ™‚ of trying to lose weight.

  17. Hi RhodeyGirl… Im not in Philly- Im in Pawtucket! : ) are you from EP? im pretty much right down the street!

    where are you in RI? where was i in the Boston meet-up?? ; ) I didnt know about it!

  18. whoooo… Cranston! still close by! absolutely, i would love to go to the next meet-up!

    : )

  19. Looks like a great time! Heart blogging/blogs/bloggers. I love the community feel of it all. And the pictures of tasty food. Hehe.

  20. Great recap, Sabrina! I’m so glad we got to talk a little more than last time. Good luck with wedding planning and enjoy the big day (if I don’t see you before that… hopefully I will though πŸ™‚ )
    And thanks for such sweet words. You rock!
    I hate that picture of me πŸ™ Don’t think that chocolate cake made me gain 200 lbs instantly. Haha.

  21. Hi Sabrina!!

    I had SO much fun chatting with you…esp about wedding things obviouslty, no one likes talking more about weddings than brides-to-be!!

    Aww you should not feel bad at all about givng me a ride…it took me a while to pipe up and actually ask someone haha (you know, the shy thing), it wasnt the walk I minded, just the walk late at night…I get sketched out sometimes.

    If you have any free time I’d love some info on the places in Greece or Italy you reccomend. It’s been almost 9 years since I was in Italy so I dont really remember specific places to eat and such πŸ™‚

    Hope to chat again soon!

  22. Katie

    Hey Sabrina – it was great meeting you! The Boston get-together was a fantastic idea – its so nice to put some faces to these blogs I read every day! On that note, I started reading blogs because I was new to Boston and was always very dedicated to food and nutrition – and wound up meeting Elina from Healthy and Sane through my boyfriend! She introduced me to the blogworld and I haven’t looked back – its nice to find people with similar interests, especially when you’re in a new place. I was shocked by what a wonderful and welcoming community I found on the blogs I’ve read and feel myself getting more and more involved every day!

  23. it was so great to meet you last night–i can’t wait to go out to dinner in Philly this summer!

    I definitely blog for the great friendships

  24. Meg

    Looks like you all had a blast!

  25. Sounds like it was such a fun night from everyone’s recaps. I like your little list of everything you learned πŸ˜‰

  26. Lynne

    Sounds like so much fun! I have never been to this restaurant. I’m hoping to have a sweet accent just like Elina when the the mid-west gets done with me!