23 Responses to “The Lenten Season”


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  1. Yum! That chicken looks so delicious! What are you giving up for lent? I don’t practice lent but sometimes I give things up for fun

  2. Yasmin

    Mine is pretty simple..I will be giving up deli meats like turkey, roast beef, etc. because I live for sandwiches!

  3. im not catholic but i really like the idea of lent. 🙂 plus, i actually prayed last night, which is a big deal for an agnostic like myself, and it was nice!

    good luck on lent!

  4. Carolyn

    It may seem trivial…but I have decided to give up popcorn! I just bought an 8 lb jar of Orville at Costco too…and I am not talking about microwave stuff…the real thing, with parmesan cheese and all! It is something I love and could eat every day. This will truly be a sacrifice for me, as silly as it may seem!

    I think I will have a big bowl tonight …

    This time also brings back memories of my childhood and every Friday night having pesto…didn’t appreciate it then, but I do now!

    Good luck with your choice!

  5. im still brainstorming ideas. PB is the front runner bc it will be hard!

  6. Meg

    Love this post! I always take on something for Lent.

  7. Hm I’m Jewish but if I did celebrate Lent, it would be what you did with gum! I am addicted!

  8. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Lent! This was a wonderful post 🙂

  9. Colleen

    About two years I gave up drying my hair…I know it sounds weird. The result? I now dry my hair – at the most – once a week (the rest of the time I let it air dry) and my hair is SOOOO HEALTHY. I thought it would be better for the environment, the health of my hair, and a teeny tiny fraction of my utility bill (oh, and my time!). Now I just wash, brush and go.

  10. rhodeygirltests

    Colleen- Wow, that is a sacrifice I never would have even considered! That must have been so hard!!!

  11. That was a great post Sabrina.. Realy inspired me to think of giving up something.

  12. Colleen

    I was really torn about it, but once I did it there was no turning back. I carry a brush with me to kinda tame it a little while it’s drying, but really I feel like I’m doing my hair a favor. If I want to feel “dressed up” I blow-dry it (and occasionally use a curling iron), but most days I’m fine with the soft waves that naturally dry – and updo’s are great too, very polished looking! 🙂

  13. oooooo.. i forgot Lent was starting this week! i rarely give anything up for Lent… i feel like if i deprive myself of something i might go bananas and start shoving chocolate bars in my mouth the minute Lent is over!

    But i might try giving up my weekend caramel machiattos from starbucks.. at 3.75 a whack.. it might be better on my wallet!

  14. Great Post! I read your blog everyday, but don’t comment very often.
    I’ve been thinking all day what I am going to give up for lent. I’m leaning towards coffee.

    Also, as part of Lent I try to add in a “good deed” habit. This year mine is going to be to not talk negatively about other people. 🙂

  15. rhodeygirltests

    Allison K- What a great idea! I am definitely adding “no gossiping” to my list. Hopefully that will last FOREVER though!!!

  16. Andrea

    I am horrible about going to church but I always make a commitment to my faith at Lent. I follow the no meat on Friday rule and always give up something. Since the new year I have been trying to focus on eating better. I am giving up treats, of the chocolate, chip and dessert variety and pop.

  17. I gave up coffee my senior year of high school…that was hard! and once my roommate gave up facebook. Not sure if i’m giving anything up this year….I also like the idea of starting a good habit for lent.

  18. Emily

    I give up something every year. This year I’m giving up dessert, so I’m going to go get a fat brownie tonight! In the past I’ve given up meat, cheese, chocolate, etc. It’s usually food related. PS — it’s not just a catholic thing, it’s a christian thing! I’m not overly religious but I think sacrificing yourself whether it be for your greater good or someone else’s is always a good thing — even if it’s only for 47 days!

  19. rhodeygirltests

    Emily- dessert ay? that is a serious sacrifice! do you always give up something food related? And P.S. I am not Catholic! Are you?!?!? I grew up attending catholic church though… the music is just so fab!

  20. great post. i have been thinking about pb or dessert. a friend of mine did dessert last year and phew, so rough! although she did find ways i thought to get around (things she didn’t consider dessert but i would’ve!). i need to believe that i have self control, so this seems like the perfect way to regain it 🙂

  21. gina (fitnessista)

    what a great post <3
    i wrote about lent tonight too, and instead of changing my eating (which i used to do every year) i’m going to make an effort to meditate and eat more intuitively.
    hope you have a wonderful night!

  22. I really wasn’t planning to do anything big, maybe just give up some kind of food I love, but you might have inspired me to do more.

    Also, about the bulgur, in the picture it is mixed with oats so maybe that is why it looks different?

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