10 Responses to “Spring Basil Egg Crisps”


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  1. mmmmm this sounds like a great lunch to me! Love avocado 🙂

    hmmm my favorite lunch? That is a toughy….maybe a mexican inspired salad or something with hummus?

  2. I grow my own basil, mint and oregano. I’ve always just potted them in small pots with regular soil. Keep them in the sunlight and they need water quite often! You can see them on my blog. I always have pics!
    Your lunch sounds fantastic! Yum!

  3. That looks super filling. Great idea!

  4. stacey

    I had eggs with avocado when I was in Spain a few years ago. I was a little scared of the combination, but it was yummy!

  5. My favorite lunch is a big random salad with hummus as dressing, chopped frut (apples or pears), and a warm piece of whole grain bread on the side.

  6. That loooks soooo good 🙂 I just had an awesome lunch of Arnolds 40 cal bread with Laughing Cow Swiss and a Golden Delicious apple with some honey and spinach…it was soo good!

  7. I love basil!!! Any lunch that has cheese!!

  8. Oh wow that looks amazing!

    I love a grilled sandwich with hummus, cream cheese, and loads of veggies. MMMM.

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