9 Responses to “Lunch 03.23.09”


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  1. Another fun thing to consider about Mondays = Gossip Girl!! 😀

    I love your blog – love the recipes, love the stories about you and PB…

  2. You are too healthy for me! haha..wheres the chocolate chip cookies for lunch? haha (I eat one everyday…no self control what-so-ever!)

  3. Hahah I love the pothole analogy! Personally I like to think that at this point, Monday’s just mean we’re getting that much closer to spring/summer 🙂

    Honestly, I like your blog as it is! I really like the different recipes that you post and the funny stories!

  4. The Monday analogy is fantastic! LOVE IT!
    I’ve just started reading your blog, but I love it so far… can’t think of anything that needs improving!

  5. Ow! I love your new title bar- super cute and so you! Very nice lunch mixture! How fun is it that melons are SO cheap right now! I’m totally stopping at the store tomorrow to get one!

  6. Meg

    I love your blog and how genuine you are.

  7. Hey girly, I wanted to tell you about bigoven.com. If you go to the recipe section you can put in ingredients you have and want to use up and they give you recipes. I know you don’t like to waste!

    Oh, and I am jealous of your Joseph’s. I think they make the best pitas and wraps and have not found them yet.

  8. Lovin’ the new look of the page – and I’m excited to see more of your workout schedule!

  9. are you a tofu’er?
    Im not (should be more but Im just not…)
    how about turkey slices etc but hormone free choices?
    why are you no longer a chix fan? (curious)

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