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  1. Bec

    great advice as usual!

  2. Great advice! I reached my goal and now I no longer count calories…it’d drive me crazy! I try my best to eat based on hunger, space my meals out through the day and have lots of snacks, exercise frequently, and eat lots of whole grains, proteins, fruits and vegetables. It has worked for me, but everyone is different.

  3. Great tips!
    And congrats on being at your goal weight for a whole year!

  4. gina (fitnessista)

    great advice and an EXCELLENT plan. i say another one would be to load up on fruits and veggies– they’re so satisfying and less calorie dense than other foods.
    it’s frustrating that the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is.
    congrats on maintaining your goal weight and best of luck with these new changes! 😀

  5. Congrats! I always look to your blog for tips like these… you seem to have a really good relationship with food and I really strive for that too. I think you can definitely achieve your goals. And aren’t you tall? So you have to weigh more than the 5’2″ bloggers 😛

  6. I go back and forth with the same 3-4 pounds just like you do.. im best weight wise when im eating all those yummy foods you mentioned- in VERY small portions.. lol otherwise it would be a free for all. big time!!

  7. sloan

    hey girl!
    this was a great entry! as i’ve told you before i’ve lost alot of weight ( check out the reader raves this month! maintinence has been my biggest challenge. i recently moved in with my grandparents–that means food around ALL THE TIME and that has been a huge struggle to not munch on something every time i walk through the kitchen. hearing that someone else has the same kind of problems is reassuring that i’m not crazy! i have that last pesky 5lbs to take off that i’ve gained since moving here…

    good luck with your few pounds (you look beautiful) stay motivated and i’ll try and do the same!

  8. Amy

    I am also 5’7” and struggling to loose just a few more pounds. I exercise nearly every day and eat mostly healthy. I have a question for you: where did you come up with your goal weight? It seems a little low and I’m just wondering. My own goal weight is 138, which I came up with on the ‘happiest weight survey’ on I’m not sure if it’s realistic for me to go any lower… but maybe!
    Thanks so much!!

  9. rhodeygirltests

    Hi Amy!

    Good for you for exercising often and eating well! My original goal was 137/138, but when I hit that and still fit into a 6 sometimes/4 sometimes, I decided I wanted to lose a bit more. It isn’t really about the number for me, more about how I look and feel. I feel that I have a little extra weight to lose so I decided that 7 lbs would probably do it. If I get to 135 though and decide that I feel good I won’t lose any more!

  10. Amy

    Thanks for responding! I appreciate the info.

    Also, for anyone: what type of scale do you use? When do you think is the best time to weigh?

    Although it may seem so, I’m really not too tied to the scale, but these questions come to mind sometimes. Also, does this happen to you?- weighing more at the doctor?! haha!

    Happy May 🙂

  11. rhodeygirltests

    Amy- I use a cheap scale from bed bath & beyond, although I just received a Tanita scale at my bridal shower in Philly and am excited to try it out. I weigh first thing in the morning, wearing the same amount of clothes, but like you I am not attached to the scale so when it is really up or down sometimes it doesn’t really affect me. And my weight is ALWAYS up at the doctor. What is important to me when I am there is that that number isn’t higher than the previous visit!

  12. I didn’t realize you were still trying to lose weight!! I really love the idea of learning to measure with your eyes. I weigh food too, so that’s a really great idea because I get lost sometimes with no scale in sight.
    I love the dressing up idea too. I definitely learned that when I dress up and feel like I look good, it improves everything in my life and actually helps me with staying healthy.
    Thanks for this post!

  13. wow, i’m intrigued by your idea of finding the right exercise balance… something i’ve noticed but hadn’t considered in finding a balance…

  14. avalpone

    Great tips; as a nutritionist I myself have some great tips as well…let me know if you are interested. Congrats on your amazing achievements of weight loss, healthy eating and clean eating. Keep up the great work and the great new recipes!!!


    The Healthy Apple

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