19 Responses to “A chocolate baby belly?”


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  1. Jen

    AHAHA. I laughed so hard at your description of the “thought i might be ready for this in the next year or two but it is way too soon to even start thinking babies and wtf is going on?” face. Oh gosh, haha.

    It was probably the big ol’ slice of watermelon that gave you the food baby belly. All of that water content, maybe? So don’t worry. It’s a happy, healthy baby! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Too funny – maybe the registry store got the gift wrong? I find my belly sticks out when I am full too, it can get uncomfortable.

  3. Amy

    That is hysterical! Thanks for making me laugh on a Monday morning.

    The term food baby makes me think of the movie Juno, which also makes me laugh… so I’m so glad I read this post! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a good day!

  4. Wait did the store send it like that or did the people wrap it like that? Pretty funny.

    Oh and I always have a small food baby no matter what I eat! It’s so annoying!!!!

  5. Yikes, no pressure or anything to start making babies!

  6. gina (fitnessista)

    ahhhhhh hahahahah!
    no worries, i always have a food baby when i eat, or when i get really starving my stomach pops out
    have a great day!

  7. hahahahah. that is so funny. I would have had that SAME expression!

  8. I had to re-read it just to make sure – so funny!

  9. lol…I am TOTALLY like that too. Last night, for example, I had a HUGE veggie salad and a HUGE fruit salad and a bottle of water and my belly was swollen…it looked like I was three months in ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. That is so funny!!!

  11. oh my gosh! I just adore these pictures!! you two are really one of the most adorable couples I know! PB looks so happy!!!

  12. hahahhahahahah too funny

  13. Andrea

    I am so excited to read that I am not the only one who gets a food baby!

  14. I promise that a real baby belly is MUCH bigger than a chocolate belly! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. That’s so funny. Someone in the store definitely messed up!

  16. Raz

    OMG! hahaha

  17. OMG love it! Food bellies are the best, although Husband says if I think thats what ill look like preggers than I have a HUGE surprise in store! LOL!

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