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  1. I’m glad you and Heather had a great time together!! That meal sounds incredible 🙂

  2. Nicole

    Fun!! Your meals look fabulous. I’ve definitely had my fair share of other diners asking why I was taking pictures of my food. One time I was taking a picture of my salad in Ruby Tuesday’s and the waiter was so confused on why I was taking a photo of my “masterpiece”, as he called it 😀

  3. HOORAY!! Glad you two could meet 🙂

  4. How fun. I love Hangry Heather – my nickname for her is Heath. 🙂

    Looks like a wonderful dinner. I totally would have joined you for a piece of pizza in the car ride home!

  5. awww how fun! What a nice dinner!

  6. I hope I didn’t embarrass you when I told them we were food bloggers! I think they liked it anyway.

    I am glad you liked the cookbook. Can’t wait to see you again!

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