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  1. haha that shirt is great! Did they get this specially made or did they order them from somewhere?

  2. Shannon

    Congrats and good luck! You guys are cute together. I love your blog! Here are some tips that were given to me before my wedding
    1.Relax and enjoy every moment and take time to eat your dinner and cake. I was so nervous I didn’t even get taste any food or cake. lol
    2.Bring white out for stains
    3.If you have a train for your dress bring a BIG diaper pin because people will step on it. It happened to me the 1st 10 mins.
    4.Bring powder and lipstick
    5. Have everyones number with you (vender’s)
    6 Last- take Tylenol pm the night before.

  3. Colleen

    Shannon, that is a great to do list I am keeping that for my wedding, but I think you forgot one: Have FUN! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hehe funny shirt. So nice that he arrived early! Have fun fun fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. LOL i’ve seen that shirt before… might have to get it for my gamer fiance ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Awesome!!!! Can’t wait to see you both on Saturday.

  7. Laura

    I hope you enjoy every second of your big day! ๐Ÿ™‚ You will be a gorgeous bride!

    That shirt = adorable!

  8. You must be so excited!!!!! I am excited for you!! Enjoy these last couple of days leading up to your wedding day! Too many brides get stressed.

  9. i love that shirt! my BIL wore that before he got married.. i think he still thinks like that!


    CONGRATS!!!! only a couple more days!

  10. 1. Love that shirt, and it sounds like you two are perfect together! Congrats! I got married two years ago on Aug 17th to a guy from PA ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. I am pretty sure we went to the same highschool… Cranston HS West??? Insane! What a small world! I am now living in PA myself, like a half hour from Philly, not even. I miss Cranston and my family everyday.

    3. Love your blog!

  11. Bec

    awww what a sweet guy! have a great wedding ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. stacey

    How exciting that the big day is almost here! Enjoy the excitement of the next few days and have a fabulous wedding:)

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