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  1. Adam

    Is Trig attempting a muscle pose? Cause it looks like he’s just pointing at something.

  2. Lauren

    so THAT is Philly boy’s name?!

  3. melliroo

    it’s a traditional polynesian warrior pose…at least that’s what my inner anthropologist says.

    happy wedding — so sorry to have missed it!

  4. sue

    wow what a gorgeous view! and fun pictures 🙂 congrats!!

  5. Beautiful!
    Go enjoy your honeymoon and stop blogging! 😛

  6. Haha no that is not PB’s name… that’s Sarah Palin’s baby!

  7. Lauren

    right….I think “Trig” might be short for PB’s real name. It’s not likely that Sarah Palin’s son has anything to do with it.

  8. Oh my goodness! I want to be there!

    Looks like you two are having a relaxing and beautiful time!

  9. Crumb

    WOW!!!! I’m soooooo happy for you guys!! 🙂

  10. rhodeygirltests

    Lauren- you are right! Trig is PB’s nickname!

    Crumb- I ate THREE croissants at breakfast yesterday and then proceeded to do serious jumping jacks and situps… reminded me of your video from YOUR honeymoon hahahahaha

  11. That looks SO amazing 🙂 I hope your enjoying every second of it!!!

  12. Lauren

    I like it!! Enjoy your honeymoon!

  13. Meg

    Love these pics! Hope you are having an amazing time!

  14. Love the pictures!! Hope you are having a blast!

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