16 Responses to “03.19.10”


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  1. that’s definitely one of my favorite snacks too…really anything with greek yogurt works for me! thanks for sharing that gorgeous picture!~

  2. I just got some fro-yo! Don’t you love a little Friday afternoon pick-me-up? So yum!

  3. I like the way you snack!

  4. greek yogurt makes the world go round. have a great weekend!

  5. Just finished my own Greek yogurt snack! I added fresh strawberries, but no chocolate 🙁

  6. Yogurt and berries…obviously I love.

    Question!? I’m going to be in Providence tomorrow for the NCAA games…where should we go for dinner!?!

  7. totally needs to be my snack tomorrow. i usually reserve my GY for breakfast!

  8. That snack is the best ever – it’s one of my favorites, too! You can be creative with the toppings to make an original creation every time. Have you ever tried mixing the Greek yogurt with a little jam? I do that sometimes to switch things up 🙂

  9. that looks like the most delicious snack ever!

  10. this looks really good.. i just got into greek yogurt.. i had it the chobani peach flavor for breakfast the other day..i topped it with bananas and granola.. i love the consistency..

  11. YUM – gotta love yogurt messes!
    Have a terrific weekend, Sabrina!

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