11 Responses to “03.25.10”


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  1. yum…i wish i knew what Italy tasted like from firsthand experience 🙂 sounds like heaven in a can… 🙂

  2. These are GOOD! A little addictive. So refreshing.

  3. Soooo good, so expensive though

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Jenny, At DiBruno’s in Philly this was $1.29, and the regular canned sodas were $0.99… both kind of a rip off… but worth it today! 🙂 Have a great day!

  4. (I’m glad I get to experience it through you!)

  5. I love sparkling water! is the canned type available in the US?

  6. Mmm I love that drink…I don’t think I have had it in YEARS! Need to add that to my grocery list 🙂

    PS- I made your baked falafel recipe today! And blogged about it- hope you check it out, they were amazing!

  7. Denise

    I know the Armenians have some of the best coffees, but let’s admit it, when it comes to tasty orange and lemon drinks and Gelato, Italy’s got the stuff–hands down!
    Some day,after you guys get back from your amazing trip (I cry each time I think we can’t go)…we’re all going to make it to Italy. I’m a mid Abruzzi and southern Calabrian girl, but heck, I love Northern Italy too.
    Let’s go! The drinks are all on me!

  8. I love your new poetic posting style 🙂

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