11 Responses to “05.19.10”


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  1. WOW- you two really LOOK like sisters, raised like them or not!

  2. can you post a video of the song?! 🙂

  3. HAHAHA!! We were such funny creative girls!! That’ll NEVER change!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

  4. She’s beautiful like you! That is hysterical about the tv show! lol

  5. Happy birthday Wanie! 🙂
    Sabrina, if you have a minute – check out my giveaway.

  6. Happy Birthday to Wanie!

  7. Allie

    Awe, I love you girls! And yes, you two have ALWAYS looked like two beautiful sisters

  8. happy birthday, rhodey girl cousin!

    i know what you mean about your relationship. my cousin and i are the same way! 🙂

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