10 Responses to “Jordan!”


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  1. Ahh, SO MUCH FUN! Safe travels, I can’t wait to read all about your trip!

  2. i can’t wait to see all of the pictures! you guys are going to have the most amazing time 🙂

  3. What a great trip — have fun and can’t wait to see pics! We need to do another Philly meetup when you get back into town.

  4. Have a safe flight! And ENJOY your family :o)

  5. Kerry

    Enjoy! Have a fantastic time.

    And…Who won the necklace? I dying to know and hope it is me!!

  6. It has been one of my life long dreams to visit Petra!! It just feels so inaccessible, know what I mean? I would have no idea how to get there once I got to Jordan?!

    Anyways, looking forward to seeing pictures from your amazing vacation – have FUN!

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats, We will be going to Petra! If you ever decide to go to Jordan, my uncle has a travel agency and can help you with all of your arrangements!!!!!

      And entering Petra is the most incredible experience.. all dessert, walk through the crack in the earth, then BOOM there it is!

  7. Have a great trip! I can’t wait to read all about it.

  8. Have a wonderful trip, Sabrina! Wishing you safe travels and lots of fun!! Enjoy seeing all of your family!

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