11 Responses to “08.18.10”


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  1. Look delicious- a great reward for sure 😉 I love prepping ahead of time. Have a great week girlie

  2. Glad you are finally getting some homemade pizza! 🙂
    And the bread flour – does it make it fluffier? I have bread flour at home and actually use it most in cookie recipes. But I’m always looking for new pizza crust ideas!

  3. I completely agree with the bread flour. I ran out of all-purpose last week, used bread flour, and it made such a unique crust!

    This looks delish!

  4. can PB come live with me and my hubby and teach him how to make homemade pizza?

  5. Pizza makes everything better. It has to be my favorite meal. Homemade always tastes so great too. Glad you got to enjoy!

  6. That picture is making me drool. Looks SO good!

  7. That pizza looks incredible! PB is very lucky 🙂 Of course homemade pizza is all I want now!

  8. Nothing beats a home-made, thin-crust, fresh-mozza, basil-and-tomato-loaded pizza… looks great!

  9. AWw, I always reward my boy with food too! They are so easy to please! 😉

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