41 Responses to “Thanksgiving Menu & Recipes Discussion”


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  1. I wish we got to have Thanksgiving at our home! Since both of our parents are close, we go to both on the holidays. It works out great because my husband’s family eats early (like 12-1) and doesn’t socialize much, and my family eats late (6-7) and parties into the wee hours of the morning. It works perfectly and we are usually hungry again by the time the 2nd meal rolls around. The only thing I really need to be concerned with is which dishes I need to bring. Most likely I will bring a dessert, but the other is up in the air. Maybe my caramelized autumn fruit stuffing or whipped sweet potatoes! Do you have any suggestions?

    Also, I don’t do Black Friday early or anything, but I like to go later. I actually LOVE the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and enjoy being out in it. I love the holidays SO MUCH.

    Okay… my novel is done.

  2. Every year my family and I try to cook something different for Thanksgiving. This year I’m in charge of butternut squash soup and pumpkin pie soup. My mom and I also decided we are doing a cupcake bar for desser! I can’t wait to try out some yummy recipes.

    As for Black Friday, I may be braving the Philadelphia Premium Outlets in Limerick at Midnight with my mom and aunts! They went last year and had a blast!

  3. I have no doubt you will host a wonderful Thanksgiving! All these nerves will amount to an amazing meal ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t wait to see what you come up with! If you need any help, let me know, I’ll be around that week!

  4. Black Friday shopping is actually a lot of fun! I never did it until I went to thanksgiving with Josh’s family and now I’m an addict ;). I am in charge of a squash or sweet potato side dish and a dessert. I’m excited to spend time with my family and just relax

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Erica, I’m excited to relax too.

      When you go shopping for Black Friday do you buy Christmas gifts or do you buy stuff for yourself?! I’ve always wondered what people do.

  5. If you do Black Friday, you need to experience it at King of Prussia. It’s a nuthouse, but in a classy, warm, Christmassy kind of way. I remember a few years ago the Zodiac Cafe at Neiman Marcus did a special Black Friday lunch that was to die for too…not sure if they’re still offering that, but it’s something to look into if you decide to take the shopping plunge!!

  6. I am excited to spend time with family
    I’m nervous that there won’t be enough dessert
    There is never enough dessert in my mind
    I’m nervous there won’t be enough “good” side dishes. I will make more.
    I think we should pluck and brine the turkey ourselves, but I guess I’m the only one who think that sounds “fun”

  7. I also suffer from the “OMGNOTENOUGHFOOD!” disorder. Something about the Mediterranean heritage brings on the overfeeding. It’s cliche but I think it’s true!

    We are supposed to spend Thanksgiving with my husband’s family this year – they live three hours away, so we alternate holidays. This year, T-day is with his, Christmas is with mine. I would love to host them, but logistically, I don’t think it will happen.

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @PhillyGirlRuns, Are you sad when you alternate holidays? I can’t imagine missing Christmas Eve in RI.. I am already too sad to leave Christmas morning for Philly!

      • @RhodeyGirlTests, honestly, no – it’s all part of becoming our own family and making our own traditions. We tried to split the holidays for a couple of years to hit all the bases every time, and it just ended up being so stressful that we didn’t enjoy any of it. This is our third year of alternating and it’s made life a lot easier, though it took some getting used to.

  8. I’m excited to be cooking a local bird this year! I have no idea how big it will be until we get it and it will probably be far more than we need, but still.
    I’m also excited my brother and sister-in-law are coming to town for the weekend. We might actually move T-day dinner to Friday just because of that!
    I do miss having it with lots of family, but we’re so far away that travel is hard (especially with kiddo). And it is really nice to start our own traditions.

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Megan, I’m so excited that your bro and SIL are coming too! Mine are staying with us for the first time, and we are thrilled! And my dad too!!!

  9. every year we go to my aunt and uncle’s for thanksgiving. since i am a big cook and baker and LOVE to be in control, it’s hard to bring a side and sit there helpless. of course everything is delicious, but i cant wait for the day when i can host my own holiday meal!!! im sure yours is going to be so beautiful, sabrina ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. i always worry last minute about not having enough food but in reality, as you say, it is usually twice as much as necessary! i just love getting so many people together at once, especially since everyone is off in a billion different directions all of the time

  11. we aren’t going to be around family over thanksgiving but rather are going to lay low and probably drive into the mountains. i know i’ll have some concerns come Christmas time when we’re driving all over the country, but thanksgiving is just a great time to relax. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Amy

    I’m excited that my best friends are coming to my house for Thanksgiving. They are bringing their two boys (2 yrs and 10 mos) and will be here for FIVE days. I’m so excited. She and I have been taking pictures everyday with post-it notes counting down the days until they get here.

    As soon as they confirmed they were coming, my mother and I started planning what to make not only for Thanksgiving day, but for their entire stay. LOL After much discussion, I think we’ve decided to stick with a traditional meal and sides of turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, cornbread dressing, green beans, salad, sweet potatos, and maybe roasted brussels sprouts. I know we have a lot of starchy foods planned, but I just don’t care! Time to pull on the chinese britches (elastic waste pants…we call them chinese britches because of all the food you eat a chinese buffet)!

  13. I’m excited because all my aunts and uncles and cousins are flying in. But I’m nervous because it is my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian!!

  14. I usually do a little of each. I try to go to banana & jcrew to find discounted clothes for me. I also buy lots of Christmas gifts and work clothes & new gadgets for the man. Josh always checks out the ads before I leave to let me know if there is anything hes interested in.

  15. Hey girl! TOTALLY down for some black friday fun ๐Ÿ™‚ This year we are going to husband’s family in NY for thanksgiving day. BUT my mom is having another tg for us on saturday! how fun is that!??! I will not be hosting until we have kids ๐Ÿ™ Oh well- I’ll let the others take the turkey lead!

  16. I get very stressed out at holidays- there is always such chaos.

    This Thanksgiving is the first that my mother and I will be spending with my boyfriends family. It was proposed (from his non-cooking family) that I do all the cooking but I don’t know if that is realistic. I may have to think of menu items I can make at my mom’s house and bring with me… decisions, decisions.

  17. I am just cooking dinner for the Husband and I, so I am sure we are going to have a lot of left over food. I am a person who always makes way to much, but I worry there wont be enough!

  18. Biz

    I did black Friday once, and said I would never do it again, and I haven’t. So many rude people, ready to knock you down.

    I waiting from 4:30 in the morning at a Best Buy 15 years ago to buy a computer. Each store only had 10 to sell. As the stores opened, instead of letting the door open by all the people who had been standing in line for over an hour, they opened all the doors, and some guy just walked right in after parking his car 30 seconds before!

    I’ll have to check out your menus, we usually host turkey day each year!

  19. im excited to be back in CA now and close to my family…now i actually get to see them on holidays, as opposed to flying home whatever days i can get off work surrounding the holiday.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
    i know your guests will love all your food and there will be plenty. youre an amazing hostess – i can tell without even meeting you or attending a dinner party of yours…

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