19 Responses to “Peeled Grapefruit”


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  1. ah, this is beautiful.

    I have been eating a grapefruit a day lately… isn’t it so delicious right now??


    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Kristina @ spabettie, Yes it is so perfect right now! Best combo between sweet and sour. I have been eating one a day too and my friends think it is too much! How can we bring them over to the dark (grapefruity fun) side?!

  2. this just made my mouth water like something crazy…fresh, seasonal grapefruit is such a treat!

  3. do you mean peeled or segmented? Love segmenting citrus and everyone is always so utterly impressed ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. i’ve never actually peeled a grapefruit before! now i am craving a ripe juicy grapefruit

  5. Laura

    I don’t know that I’ve ever eaten a peeled grapefruit! I always cut it in half and eat it with a spoon. I’ll have to give your way a try. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I do the exact same thing! It started in junior high when I had a grapefruit for a snack and now is the only way I’ll eat one!

  7. Sarah R

    Oh my goodness. As I was sitting, peeling my grapefruit this morning for my snack I thought to myself “I’ll be no one else does this”! I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who enjoys her grapefruit this way. It’s so, so good.

  8. I’ve never thought to peel a grapefruit but am now really really compelled to do so. Beautiful!

  9. Now you’ve got me craving grapefruit ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I cannot explain how sad I am with how expensive grapefruit is here! I think I saw it for $1.99/fruit the other day. In Texas it’s 10 for $1 (cause it’s grown there).

    Anyways, I LOOOVE grapefruit and now you have me craving it!

  11. This is too funny- I’ve had peeled grapefruit for dessert the past two nights and I love it. Good stuff!

  12. I love it peeled too! Although I usually do that as a snack at work so I wish it didn;t take so long sometimes ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I never really got into grapefruit, but this looks SO good!

  14. I love grapefruit, though I cannot say I’ve ever peeled it.

  15. I have never had a grape fruit before! But after reading this post- I suddenly find myself wanting one!

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