11 Responses to “Happy half birthday!”


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  1. Happy 1/2 Birthday Raffi!

  2. Rachel

    Oh my goodness he is SO adorable. Happy 1/2 birthday to your previous baby boy! 🙂

  3. Awww, happy half birthday Raffi! Seems like not too long ago he was just 2 months old!

  4. Amiee

    Oh my goodness. It is so hard to believe how fast they grow up! Babies are such amazing people. I have a 5 mo old and the changes in such a short time and all the changes to come in the next half year are just fascinating to me. Happy half birthday Raffi!!!

  5. Such a sweeeet face!! Happy bday to the little guy

  6. Awwww!!! Love his expressions!!

    Happy half birthday, Raffi!

  7. Happy 6 months to Raffi! 🙂

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