6 Responses to “Flying on a jet plane….”


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  1. Lauren

    We love that monkey backpack!! Have so much fun 🙂
    We’re traveling in Feb with my now 16 mo. We got him a seat, we had to. He was difficult to hold for 3h last year at 7 months. We told ourselves we wouldn’t do it again. I’m hoping he doesn’t freak out in the car seat, since we are next to him? That coloring book is going on my list. Snacks too!

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      Aw man good luck. We didn’t get my 19 month old a sit, but my husband and I are pretty average size, so between the 3 seats I figure 4 of us should hopefully fit ok? If I was traveling alone with the 2 kids I think I would get 3 seats. I’m only worried about takeoff and landing since my 19 month old does NOT sit still unless she is severely strapped in to something. My 3 year old will be ok though, especially if he can look out a window. Smart to bring the car seat!

  2. Molly

    Hey! We are flying to Beaver Creek next Saturday and we caved and bought Aubrey (15 months) a seat after the disaster that was trying to hold her during the 20 min Halloween Parade at Connor’s school! Also our flight home is at 8 PM so she will need to sleep. Is recommend Planes and Plane Fire and Rescue for R and Tangled for both kids!

  3. Lauren

    Here are the movies my 2 are into (My son is just a few week’s older or younger than your son, I forget. and my daughter is 2 at the end of the months):
    – despicable me 1 & 2 (I prefer 2 b/c it has more minions!)
    – Monsters University
    – Robots
    – Finding Nemo
    – Frozen
    – Up (after the sad part, once the movie gets going – they LOOOVE all the balloons and the dogs!))

  4. Morgan

    We went to Beaches Turks & Caicos when my daughter was 12 months old. The resort is gorgeous! We got upgraded to the largest room in the Italian village which was incredible. Go to the sesame street live show every night–totally worth it!

  5. Will you tell us where your going when your back? Im always looking for kid friendly vacation spots!! Have a blast!!!

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