3 Responses to “You need YouTube Kids”


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  1. t

    sorry not really relevant comment post…but was wondering. since you’ve had kids, would you say that you a) care less about being thin and how you look, or b) still same amount?

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      Hm. I’ve never cared about being “thin”, but I’ve always cared about being healthy and feeling fit/strong/energized. I think I care more about those things now that I have kids, but I spend way less time focused on it. It comes more naturally because it’s just the way things have to be – I have to be fit and energized in order to be the mom I want to be. Before I would spend 20 minutes debating eating a brownie because it isn’t good for me. Now the opportunity to eat a brownie only comes around every now and again, so I eat it and move on. Or before I would spend an hour at the gym after work. Now I *have* to be more disciplined at get up before the kids get up or my opportunity for formal exercise won’t come around. I think it’s easier to live a healthy lifestyle with kids because we are always on the go and I want to be a good example of healthy habits.

      When it comes to how I look, as in how I present myself, I care way less but wish I cared way more. Before kids I would NEVER set foot outside of the house in sweatpants or without throwing on a pair of earrings or at least a nice matching track suit. Now I can hardly remember the last time I put together a stylish outfit. I hope that when I’m done being pregnant I will get back to pulling myself together more because it makes me feel good.

  2. Don’t feel bad about screen time. In moderation it definitely isn’t evil. Once the kids start adding up, it’s a great babysitter for the older ones while you deal with the little ones — cheaper than a real babysitter too 🙂

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