135 Responses to “Win! Diono Radian RXT (the only convertible + booster car seat you want if you have 3 kids)”


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  1. Rebecca Parsons

    If you haven’t seen them the Mamaroo is amazing life saver for a fussy baby or just to soothe them. It gently sways in a natural motion as if carrying baby in womb.

  2. Dana

    I love the Baby Bjorn carrier. I have used it with two kids now and love it

  3. Cristina Sincu

    One of my favorite items is Britax BEady stroller. I tried multiple-and ended up with BReady.

  4. Karli

    I can’t decide between the two:
    1) Mommy Hook- such a minor thing but being able to hang shopping bags and my purse in my stroller is just invaluable!
    2) Medela Easy Expression Bustier- This was seriously a life changer once I discovered it between baby number one and baby number two!!

  5. Bianca

    Fisher price infant to toddler rocker + baby’s favorite show on the DVR= quiet shower time for mommy!

  6. Mindy Ramirez

    Miracle blanket. It saved our lives through the newborn months!

  7. Kerri McMullen

    i couldn’t live without my double BOB and the beaba baby cook is great
    For making your own baby food. Very easy!!
    And another amazing product is the Podee hands free bottle feeding system.
    No propping, helps with colic, reducing ear infections etc etc. can use breastmilk or formula!! Wish they had this for my first two!!

  8. Galina

    loving our Diono, feel that my son is in the safest place possible, worth every single penny spent!

  9. Lauren S

    I’m preparing for baby number 2 and when I pulled out the Miracle Blanket swaddle, I almost cried! That thing is amazing:)

  10. JW

    I could not do kids without my baby wraps and carriers. The ring sling is my absolute favorite followed closely by my Moby wrap. My “baby” is now one and we still use the run sling or Seven sling almost everyday. The car seat would be amazing for us as I am getting ready to move the baby out of the bucket seat into a rear facing car seat!

  11. gina (fitnessista)

    the babyhawk mei tai carrier. it was so easy to use, and ended up being the most versatile carrier we had

  12. kim

    My ergo! Only carrier I can wear for hours without any pain.

  13. Lynne

    my favorite baby product is my Tulababy carrier!!! It’s a must have-,I can be hands free and still play with the older child all while the baby sleeps!

  14. BIll

    Baby Bjorn has been a lifesaver for us

  15. Jill

    Boppy newborn lounger was clutch with our first, but our second hated it. Couldn’t live without the Ergo for the second though. Depends on the kid I guess!

  16. Caitlin

    My favorite baby item was definitely my Solly Baby wrap for when my daughter was tiny. Now it’s my Ergo!

  17. Lindsay

    Moby for newborns and Ergo for older.
    Britax B Agile Stroller was great but now we need a double so I had to say bye to it 🙁

  18. my favorite baby gear – gosh what a question, I have so many! I love the lobster chair seat – it’s a High chair that attaches to your dining room table. It takes up no space and is super easy to bring with you anywhere you go. I would love to win this!

  19. Samme

    Baby currently loves the activity mats and will play for up to an hour!

  20. BethP

    Would love to win this as I’m expecting baby number 2 in October! I loved my Moby wrap for the newborn stage.

  21. April

    I have and love all the things you listed above (except I have the City Select double) but I would have to say that I get some serious use out of my Sakura Bloom Ring Sling from birth all the way up to a wiggly toddler.

  22. Jenny

    We love the rock and sleep! Our baby didn’t like lying flat as a newborn and slept in the rock and sleep without issue.

  23. Chantilly

    Moby wrap for newborns keeps them so snug and cuddly…now it’s a Kelty Kids backpack carrier so we can keep up with #1 at the same time.

  24. Erin

    Hi Sabrina,
    Gearing up to be a FTM. I really enjoy reading your blog and find it very helpful- thanks! Your pink pather friend from Cranston 🙂

  25. Rachele W.

    I love love love Aden + Anais swaddles! I use them for everything…extra car seat/stroller shade, nursing cover, play mat, burp cloth and a fashionable scarf to cover leaky boobs or spit up! lol

  26. Jill

    Will always love my Bob jogging stroller; Baby Jogger City Select double stroller for two; and the Jumperoo to contain/entertain the baby!

  27. carina

    Congratulations with your new baby.
    For me a very useful thing for the first month, including first days at the hospital, was swaddleme baby wrap. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B006XHO7CG/ref=s9_top_hm_bKUnnv_g75_i4
    So easy to use and baby feels protected while she/he adapts to the world. The nurses from the hospital were amazed to see me swaddle my princess in this thing.
    Wish you an easy delivery and healthy baby.

  28. Abby

    My favorite baby gear that I always recommend to new moms is the Fisher Price Rock n Play. Both my babies slept in it until we transitioned to the crib.

  29. the mamaRoo was the best thing for me and my baby

  30. Julie Lay

    the peanut shell carrier. LIFE SAVER!

  31. Lisa

    The Mamaroo!!!Even if for only 15 mintues at time has been VERY helpful.

  32. Helen

    We must like a lot of the same products. It took me a while to think of another product we loved that you haven’t mentioned. We absolutely love the Inglesina Fast Chair. It is the best high chair ever!! We’ve used it for 2.5 years now and hope to use it for the next kid!

  33. Katie

    I agree with most of your favorites, but a Rock ‘n Play is a necessity for babies! We used it constantly for the first 5 months.

  34. Melissa

    This is going to sound really silly, but I’ll only buy bibs with metal snaps, no Velcro over here.
    Our ten month old has learned to pull off the bibs with Velcro…this can be quite a mess during meal times!

  35. Leah

    I love the solly wrap! Also, the baby shusher was a lifesaver in the early weeks!

  36. bobbie

    We loved the baby bjorn and moby wrap carriers to help soothe fussy babies. But my favorite baby item for travel is the Snazzy Baby travel chair. This was useful for baby feeding with any chair.

  37. bobbie

    we loved the baby bjorn and moby wrap carriers to soothe fussy babies. But my favorite baby item for travel is the Snazzy Baby travel chair. This was useful for baby feeding on any chair. Thanks

  38. Jenna C

    LOVE the radian. Ergo is a lifesaver.

  39. Stephanie W

    We loved the rock n play for the newborn stage!

  40. Catherine

    I couldn’t agree more about the Baby Bjorn Balance seat. Don’t you love when you find baby gear that takes up such little space yet is such a workhorse?! In a similar vein, I’m a huge fan of the Babyzen Yoyo stroller. A bit of a splurge but it literally fits into the overhead bin on an airplane – yes, a stroller! Can you tell I’m all about function and space saving!? Congrats on baby #3!

  41. Amanda

    I’d live to win this, we’ve had the worst luck with car seats! For me, the essential gear was the carriers… The Mei Tai, Boba and Moby… Worth their weight in gold 😉

  42. Sarah

    I love the Radian RXT. We have one for our oldest but I need one more for our youngest!

  43. My favorite baby item was our bouncer. Little man was hot and cold with the swing, but he loved the bouncer!

  44. Amy Friel

    I love the aden and anais swaddles. So soft and easy to swaddle the baby in.

  45. Linda

    I could live without my dutalier glider. It’s been used everyday since I brought my first baby home.

  46. My oldest son has this and we were just discussing buying one for the new guy! I cannot rave about baby carriers enough. The bjorn and the solly baby have saved my husbands and my sanity!

  47. Sarah

    My 2nd baby is now 2 months old. My ergo has been a lifesaver while chasing my toddler around.

  48. Muna

    i cannot live without the ergo! Total life saver with 2 kids. I am so excited about this giveaway since I am liking to buy the seat for my younger daughter!
    I have been following you since you were pregnant with Raffi! It’s been a pleasure reading about your family and watching it grow. Wishing you the very best with your third baby.

  49. Jen

    Last time my favorite product was the miracle blanket- it helped my daughter sleep (relatively) well which meant that I did also! I’m due in 5 weeks, and hoping it works well again!

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