21 Responses to “03.22.10”


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  1. i’m completely drooling now. tell PB (and yourself!) thanks for the food porn ๐Ÿ™‚ seriously, such a gorgeous shot!

  2. Yummy! I wish someone would bake me cookies:)

  3. WOW those cookies look amazing girlfrand!

  4. I have no idea what it would take for my husband to bake. I can not even picture it!

  5. Hey Sabrina – random question – I typically read you via google reader – a couple weeks ago you asked us to change our feed to a different site address — now I am getting you twice and don’t know which is the old and which is the new (cause I’m an idiot at times, okay most of the time) can you let me/us know? Thanks!

  6. Baking must be a “man thing”. I don’t think I could cook a chicken for the life of me, but want a cake? Sure thing ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. haha i love that he was frustrated with the amount of jam in the house!

  8. too cute ๐Ÿ™‚ they look delicious!

  9. Delicious! Although I think I’d be using up all the jam in the house to make more ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. how cute is philly boy?!?! does he have any single brothers?! lol

  11. Thanks for all the compliments! I just couldn’t take it – looking at all of these unused jams – who needs all that??? So thanks to google, I was able to put one of the jams to good use!

  12. I love jam filled cookies. These are great.

  13. amyjogo

    He makes incredible pizza and cookies? What can’t he do? I’m lining up with Julie to meet those single cousins of his!

  14. jam + cookies = yum!

  15. Giggling that he was “frustrated by the amount of jam in the house”.

    My husband is a much better baker (and all around cook) than me too. :-/

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