18 Responses to “JFK Airport”


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  1. Anita

    Ohhhh nooooooooo!!! Why didnt you call us!! You could have all stayed at my parents house – were in NY for the weekend…!!

    Have an amazing time on your trip, cant wait to see you all soon!!


  2. Well, it’s an adventure and will certainly make the hotel in Jordan seem even nicer. 🙂

  3. Emily B

    Ugh.. airport sleeping stinks.
    At least you had a neck pillow…

  4. Oh no! No worries though – it will all be worth it in the end! Take a deep breathe 😉 everything will be fine in the end- it always is!

  5. auntie D.

    OMG….I can’t believe this. and it is not weather related….sooo many hours. one good thing…at least this happened still in the States .
    well it is definitely an adventure!!!!
    have fun with it. great blogging!
    auntie D.

  6. omg. unreal. That happened to us last year on our way to Stockholm… Just sleep what you can, and know when you get to Jordan, it’s still going to be an AMAZING trip!! 🙂 Just get to spend some quality time in the airport. hehe 🙂

  7. kumkumian

    i was sorry we could not go because of my hip now i am not as sorry

  8. Christine

    At least you got the bad part out of the way first! Wishing you safe and happy travels.

    PS- I’m going to Italy in mid-July for a wedding! (Won’t make it to our old stomping grounds of Firenze.)

  9. Oh no! That does not look fun at all but I know your trip will be.

  10. at least you have each other to share this with! And us your readers! We will keep you company!!

  11. Woh! Crazy, hang in there! Hope you won’t miss on the wedding fun 🙁

  12. massages and pedicures ! my favorite way to spend time………

  13. RhodeyGirlTests

    hellllllll yeaaaaaaa….we are hardcore:)

  14. Auntie M

    Tell Antranig he looks just as comfortable as Pop Pop when he slept.That was his norm! U know I’m regreting majorly and you’re not even there yet, and the fun has already started. Wait,I could get there by 4! Enjoy, laugh, then come back and share it all with us!! Love and batcheegs to all!!!!

  15. see, that’s what I was thinking — its an adventure..then I saw the neck pillow too!

  16. Traveling abroad is always an adventure!Stock up on trashy magazines and larabars and you’ll be good for hours!!

    Safe travels!

  17. oh sweetie! i hope you get to leave on time (again)! just remember how much fun you’re going to have when you get there.

    thinking of you!

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