24 Responses to “Jordan: Jerash & Figs!”


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  1. Loved reading this!! I love that you make it a point to travel where your relatives are. It’s so great to see!

  2. OMG that food!! Everything looks so fresh and delicious. Can ai go with you to Jordan next time? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Emily B

    Beautiful! Heard it was a fantastic trip. Can’t wait for your next post:) xo

  4. Very cool! I love ancient ampitheaters and that whole culture. I guess that’s why I chose to major in it

  5. Incredible! And I love figs. I wish I could get fresh ones here all year round!

  6. EVERYONE needs to go to Jordan at least once – LIFE changing!!

  7. loved this post! your photos and stories reminded me SO MUCH of greece. the architecture and theaters and food sounded and looked exactly like it did in athens and the rest of the country. can’t wait to hear more about the trip! i’ve always wanted to go to jordan, and you just sealed the deal!

  8. Suddenly I am craving fruit ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. wow, your food looks incredible! i’ve never really thought about what people eat in jordan, but i ADORE this post!

  10. WOW! So beautiful! And I would be all about the first course! Hummus, fresh bread, fruit…ah! Heavenly. Oh and the rush rush rush is not so true down where I live ๐Ÿ™‚ I actually feel a little foreign down here when I rush!

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Erica, Ahhh good point. I never remember the South for some reason- that is horrible, isn’t it? I should have specified- EAST COAST RUSHRUSHRUSH. If our building shuttle is 5 minutes late people start hollering about it. Madness!

  11. Karina

    I am putting Jordan on my visit list.
    I am in love with all of the pictures and food. Gorgeous.

  12. What an amazing trip. I felt like I was there with you! Great photos, too! Every bit of the trip looked incredible!

  13. so so beautiful!!! It looks like such an amazing triP ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I had never considered visiting Jordan before – it looks beautiful! What a cool mix of contemporary Arabic and ancient European culture.

  15. I don’t know how you did it, between 6 hours of sleep and the heat… great pics!

  16. It all looks so amazing!!! I can’t wait for the next installment!

  17. Anna

    Thanks for this post! I love how you displayed Jordan and its culture right on! I went in 2004, and went to the Jerash myself! (have you visited Jesus’ baptisim?) or Madaba?
    The food is always extravegant! But that made me miss some good ole Mensuf!

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      @Anna, Are you Jordanian? What brought you ro Jordan? We did not go to the baptism site this time, but I have been there before. We did go to Madaba- that will be in tomorrow’s post! My husband and I found a beautiful mosaic in one of the shops for our living room and I can’t wait to frame and finish it so we have the memory forever!

  18. This makes me want to visit Jordan!! Glad you all had a great time and thanks so much for sharing. I loved reading this!!

    Love fig season ; )

  19. I love fresh figs! My parents have a fig tree at their beach house and last weekend they were starting to get ripe enough to pick! Your trip looks amazing…I am just now catching up on your series of Jordan posts ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. kirsten

    Your arm’s are so buff in that pic with the gladiator! I am jealous! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. jerash looks like an amazing stop! it reminds me a lot of athens. i love seeing old sites like this amongst modern civilization. such a unique contrast.

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