12 Responses to “Project”


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  1. sabrina, you’re going to be such a fantastic mom – i have no doubt that you’ll be following the amazing legacy your own beautiful mother left 🙂

  2. ooh baby! for some reason I’ve been thinking you were thinking this but I didn’t want to be annoying about it. woohoo to even thinking about it!
    i really do love your writing, keep it up!

  3. You will be a mommy soon, when the time is right. 🙂 If I’ve learned one thing this year it’s that everything happens in its own time. I’m sorry about your mother; I know you’ll keep her memory alive for you and your kids through her food.

  4. Love this post – your husband and your friends are blessed to have you in their lives! I’m a brand new blogger but I feel the same way about posting – some days it seems crucial and the next day, I’m not worried about it. Overall, I’m creating a balance. It sounds like you are doing a great job balancing. 🙂

  5. You would be a GREAT mom. And you know where’s a great place to raise a family? Rhode Island 🙂

  6. Sabrina, I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed this post. It was simple, but really said a lot about you. I want you to know that I LOVE your recipes and truly see you as the Martha Stewart of Healthy Living. No pressure 😉 Just saw you’re going to BlogHer! I’m attending the Hood event…do you happen to be going to that?!?

  7. You are so inspiring! I don’t think I ever knew that you lost your mom but I am truly sorry to hear that. You are such a strong woman and I can tell that you still illuminate pieces of her every day in your passion for healthy cooking and food. Thank you for sharing this! 😉

  8. I love the way you just sound like you’re talking out loud in this post… That’s the best kind of writing! I talk/sing to myself all day too since I work from home.

    I didn’t know you lost your mom; I’m so sorry. But it’s so nice she inspired you to cook. That’s definitely something my parents have given me too.

  9. It is evident by this post what a thoughtful, loving person you are. Sounds to me like you are going to be as great as motherhood as you are at blogging, wife-ing and friend-ing. How lucky we all are!

  10. I feel the same way about my blog. I really started for myself, but I love being able to show people that they can eat good food and still lose/maintain their weight. It doesn’t have to be about 100 calorie packs and protein bars!

    And you are fabulous on camera!

  11. Karina

    I am sorry for your loss but from your loss, you have gained wisdom and peace rather than misery and ignorance.
    I love your blog A LOT and I am so glad and blessed to read and be inspired. ;p

    Keep on blogging!!!

  12. I just became a mom this April and it it the most amazing experience in the world!

    I love that your blog has such meaning behind it. It means more than just what you ate and that is so great! I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. Also, I love that you talk to yourself all day – I am home with Anna and I talk to her all day (which is really like talking to myself since she is 3months old.)

    Great post! My blog focus has shifted – now I am hoping to help new moms balance a new and completely different life with being healthy and having fun!

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