90 Responses to “Lentil Stuffed Baked Potatoes & GIVEAWAY”


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  1. MIchelle

    I would love to win that pan, and be able to steam my veggies instead of spending money on thise plastic baggies that steam your veggies in the micorwave.

  2. I’d love to get that pan to bake g-f lentil burgers:-)

  3. I’d love that pot for steaming all veggies!

  4. I’d love to win that steamer! As of right now I steam veggies in the microwave… which is obviously why I prefer roasted to steamed πŸ™‚

  5. I’d love to win that cookie sheet, but I’ll be honest, I’d have to google a gluten free recipe to make because I don’t know any off hand πŸ™‚

  6. Carolena

    My boyfriend has been asking for a steamer, and that pan would thrill him to no end! We both love kale, so we’d definitely use that pan to steam it and add it to a base of pasta and artichokes. Yum!

  7. Danielle

    I don’t have a steamer – would love to win that! I loved steamed broccoli!

  8. Shelley

    I’ve been playing with a plant based diet, so a steamer would certainly with that process!

  9. I would love to steam veggies for all of us! (and that cookie sheet looks amazing…I don’t know any gluten free recipes though.)

  10. Oh, the skip hop dash deluxe is my favorite diaper bag…and I went through a TON before settling on that one.

  11. Katherine

    I would steam fresh artichokes in that pot! I have been on an artichoke kick lately- they are so good just steamed, no sauce needed.

  12. I would love the pot to steam my veggies. I think my kids would love them steamed rather than in the microwave.

  13. Katherine

    On the pan, I would make gluten free lentil burgers with Indian spices and a yogurt sauce on top. YUM

  14. Ah this is amazing! I would DEFINITELY use it to steam veggies more and stop with my awful habit of using frozen veggies too often…

  15. I’m all about the fresh veggies, especially now that CSA season has begun.

  16. Chrissie

    Right now I put a dented steamer attachment from an old pot into another pot, and steam leaks out the dent. I’d love to have a fully functioning steamer. Especially for steaming dumplings.

  17. Yess found a use for my extra lentils! πŸ™‚ I would love the pan to make those potatoes!

  18. Chrissie

    I’d make some gluten free macaroons on that pan.

  19. *I would love the sheet to make the potatoes. I would love the PAN to steam some broccoli!

  20. Carol

    I’d use the pan to make my mom’s famous gluten free burgers (which include lentils!!!)–the secret ingredient is salsa to make ’em spicy!

  21. Carol

    Love love love Le Creuset pot, I’d make some veggies and try (try being the operative word) to get my kids to eat some delish veggies!

  22. love to use that pot to steam veggies instead of using my microwave, like I did last night!

  23. I would figure out how to make flour out of dried lentils and then do gluten free browner butter cookies!

  24. I would love that pot so that I can try to steam my own fresh veggies instead of depending on the frozen bagged ones. I bet freshly steamed veggies would taste amazing! πŸ™‚

  25. Sue

    Awesome giveaway! I lost my steamer basket during a move last year, so that pot would be perfect as a replacement.

    After I steamed up some broccoli, I would make gluten free macaroons.

  26. Lauren

    I would LOVE to win the Le creuset pan! I have a little boy and another little boy also on the way due September 21st (and I am also from RI, so weird) :). With my first son I really wanted to steam and puree fruits and veggies to make my own baby food, but I had such a hard time doing it without the proper tools. If I could have a pan like this I am sure it will help make the most important step of baby food making so much easier with my 2nd son!
    Also, I have two diaper bag recommendations for you.
    1) Kate Spade Nylon Stevie baby bag (it has held up so well, it is soooo easy to clean and its super stylish)
    2) Vera Bradley black quilted baby bag (I use this as a backup sometimes and love it..also very affordable)

  27. So many fun giveaways. I have to admit I’m boring when it comes to the veggies I steam – spinach, carrots, etc. and as far as gluten free recipes go, I have to admit I’m not terribly knowledgeable. Maybe a black bean brownie. Are those gluten free?

  28. I would steam sea food & veggies in the steamer.

    On the cookie sheet, I would make french macarons & this awesome Gfree Chocolate pecan cookie!!!

  29. I have never baked anything from scratch! I posted this Confession on my site and I received a lot of tweets! I have reccently tried to go gluten free. I’d probably make gluten free cookies to start since I am a new baker πŸ™‚

  30. Bridget

    I would steam asparagus. Yum!

  31. I’d use the steamer to make steamed veggies!

  32. I’d use the pan to make a lentil galette with gluten free puff pastry!

  33. I would love to win the steamer so I can make some delicious veggies for my meals. I’ve been using the steam bags, but fresh veggies would be so much better!

  34. As for the cookie sheet, I’d definitely whip up some delicious chocolate chip cookies.

  35. omg, a steamer! i have been coveting a steamer for far too long. i would, hands-down, steam artichokes for the steamer’s maiden voyage! for most vegetables i can get by with microwaving, but for artichokes . . . nothing beats the steam πŸ™‚

  36. the cookie sheet looks so hand(le)y! i would no doubt bake a lot of things on that sheet (hi, m&m cookies!) but one favorite lentil based recipe that would make an appearance would be indian dal fritters. they are usually fried, but i always bake mine as a healthier option.

    (i will basically eat anything with lentils + indian spices)

  37. Eva

    i would use the steamer for chard and kale — it’s perfect!

    as for the cookie sheet, i would make a baked lentil “falafel” to top salad

  38. great giveaway! i might even try to make some dim sum in there!

  39. Lauren

    I would love that cookie sheet to try my hand at lentil chips!

  40. sarah b.

    i am gluten-free because of an allergy – that pan looks awesome! i love to make gluten free coconut cookies to eventually be used for whoopie pies πŸ™‚

  41. sarah b.

    and for the steamer, gluten free steamed pork buns!

  42. jen

    I would use the steamer all the time, for veggies. With the farms soon to be open we eat a lot of local veggies during the summer/fall. I also love adding steamed veggies to pasta, we do this at least once a week!

  43. Caroline

    1 – I’d use the steamer for steaming vegetarian dumplings!

    2 – I’d use the pan for making kale and lentil chips!

  44. Cellabella

    I’d love to win the steamer! I’d use it for fresh veggies, as well as for steaming fish, tamales, and perhaps my own chinese pork buns πŸ™‚

  45. Angela

    I would use the steamer for steamed kale with onions and garlic- simple and delicious!

  46. Tania

    id so put that pan to use by making some spicy, cumin lentil burgers! and to go with them, some steamed cauliflower and steamed edamame!

    your baby updates are just too cute !! and very informative!

  47. Lisa

    I would use the Farm Fresh Streamer pan to make my stand by dish…Chicken, Pasta, & Broccoli. I would be able to cook the pasta in the pot below and steam my broccoli above. I would also be great because after everything was done cooking I could use the steamer portion to drain the pasta! One less dish to have to wash and would make my life a little easier!

  48. Julienne

    I would use the steamer to make steamed fresh stringer beans, or my usual standby, broccoli… mmm… or French-cut grean beans. I don’t have a steamer pot and have been wanting one for a while.

    I’d use the baking sheet to make gluten-free lentil burgers, of course! I love love LOVE veggie burgers and my sister-in-law has Celiac disease, so this pan would be a heck of an excuse to have them over for dinner. πŸ™‚

    Great contest!

  49. Lauren

    I have a small,dinky steamer that I use constantly. I would absolutely love to have a nice steamer/pot πŸ™‚

  50. Lauren

    My favorite veggies to steam are asparagus, spinach and broccoli!

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