160 Responses to “Bambino is here!”


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  1. Kelli

    YAY! I’ve followed all of your pregnancy posts… He is sooooo beautiful! Can’t wait to hear your birth story (if you share it)


  2. Jana

    Congrats!!! Been following your pregnancy…loving all the updates…I am due in 10 days!!! Hope you r enjoying every second of your lil man 😉

  3. Congratulations Sabrina!!! He’s precious! I hope L&D was a great experience for you. Enjoy him and this time! =)

  4. He’s perfect. Many many congrats Sabrina! I could not be more happy for you. 🙂

  5. Jayme

    Congrats! I have so enjoyed following your pregnancy as it has greatly encouraged my own! Your boy is beautiful! I wish you the bet at parenthood!

  6. Kelly G

    Wow he is adorable. Congratulations to you and your husband! Hope you’re enjoying getting settled in at home. Good luck with putting all of your plans into place! Take Care. I can’t wait to join the club in December.

  7. Congrats on Bambino’s arrival! He looks just like Phillyboy.

  8. Congratulations! He is such a cutie pie!

  9. Congratulations Sabrina!!! He is so cute!! 🙂

  10. Nicole

    Congratulations on your new bundle of Joy!! He is perfect and I love his name. My daughter over at “Legally Fit” had her baby girl on September 27th. Little Miss Audrey was not due until October 21st, surprise!!
    So happy for you and PB. I can tell you both will be great parents. Enjoy and God Bless! 🙂

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