23 Responses to “Post-baby body update: 6 months later…”


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  1. Keep working girl! It is so hard to try to balance eating/breast feeding. Kay is 8 1/2 months now and I have finally hit the pre-baby number on the scale. Hang in there!

  2. 🙂 I love all the pictures you post of yourself and and your family! You guys look so happy and adorable!

  3. You look great, Sabrina, and I think these are tips that EVERYONE can use! I agree with you on the special foods thing; I went on vacation last week and expected to come back having gained at least 5 lbs. I actually found that I LOST a little weight! Yes, we did a lot of walking, and even though I was eating very rich foods, I was satisfied much quicker than I usually am. I’m also a big mindless eater; this is actually my biggest issue, especially at night when I’m unwinding in front of the TV. I’m trying to be more mindful and drinking more water, reading a book, or doing something to focus my attention instead of automatically reaching for the ice cream!

    Great post; you’re doing awesome!

  4. jen

    i think this is so encouraging to hear. i know so many girls who have a baby and are smaller than i have ever been in my life 4 weeks later. that isn’t how my body works. it’s encouraging to hear that you are doing what is best for you, your baby and your family. breastfeeding is a sacrifice in so many ways but it’s one of the best you can make for your child if it’s a possibility. unfortunately, it didn’t work for me with either child (no milk supply to speak of at all either time). almost 5 months after having our 2nd baby i’m learning to be okay with where my body is and to stop comparing myself to others. i spent years beating myself up over what i ate and how much i exercised-i never want to go back to that mentality. staying a certain size came at the cost of my emotional health. now i feel like as long as i’m eating healthy, exercising when/how i can and staying in a healthy weight range for my body type that is all that matters!

  5. Sweetie you’re GORGEOUS and should be proud of what you’re doing for yourself! Body after baby is hard, especially since baby is priority #1. Keep it up…I know you’ll be there soon!

  6. Melissa

    Keep up the good work Sabrina! You look fab! I struggle with my weight everyday of my life. In the beginning I would joke and tell people I was trying to lose the weight from having my daughter. They would ask me how old my baby was and when I would reply 11 years they would look at me puzzled.

    Two years later I proved to myself the weight will come off and it did. Of course after one obstacle tackled another one would soon arise…EARLY MENOPAUSE!! and my body changed again and came the 20lb weight gain after initially losing 40 lbs. I am currently trying to lose 10 pounds by June! Good Luck to you!

  7. Amanda B.

    Don’t beat yourself up over weight gain while you’re still breast feeding! I’m on my 2nd kid – who’s about the same age as Raffi – and I have the same weight thing going on as I did the first time around. Basically, while I was breast feeding, my body thinks it’s starving, no matter how much I eat. Thus, it holds on to every calorie and I gain weight the whole time. ;( Once I stop breast feeding though, my body starts losing weight sooo much faster since it’s not having to make milk anymore. (I eat similarly to you too btw)

    I am just finishing up breast feeding now and I can’t wait to start losing some weight. I hope the same will happen with you but every body is different. You look awesome and just keep up the good work!

  8. Great job, lady. I’m one of those — like you — who isn’t just magically losing weight. Somehow last month I got a huge push, but I gained back a pound since then. Gr. My goal is also 9 months to be at my pre-pregnancy weight. Dieting just doesn’t work for me, so being more mindful about those sneaky snacks is what I’m trying to do. And when I get a craving at night, I’m trying my best to drink a glass of water or go clean something. Who knows. But I also have another 4 to 8 pounds to go. I’m right there with ya! <3

  9. Kate P.

    Sabrina, you are WAY too hard on yourself. I know it is important to look and feel good. BUT the pressure to look good right after baby I feel is ridiculous….especially if you are working full time and breastfeeding AND being a NEW mom! It is crazy. Sloane is just 10 months and I still have 10 pounds to be my pre baby way. I feel no shame about this. I haven’t done a thing since October when I was going for a job here and there. You have tried harder because you are putting all of your effort into what matters most…your baby. I think ANY mom would commend you for that rather than being your pre baby weight, I know I do. It will happen, because when you do have the time to try, you will and it will work. You did it before and you will do it again. AND THEN….it will be time for baby number 2 😉

  10. Kate P.

    so many typos…. baby *weight and then since I was going for a *jog in October….geesh.

  11. Kaitlyn

    Thanks so much for this post and being so honest. My baby is 7 weeks old and I have about 20 lbs to lose to return to my prepregnancy weight. I have already lost about 20 lbs since giving birth, but I thought the weight would fall off a lot faster. I have just been cleared to start exercising, so I am hoping that will help. I am horrible at counting calories, but it might have to happen at some point. It helps to know that not everyone is back to their prepregnancy weight weeks after giving birth, it sure feels like that is the case sometimes.

  12. Anna W.

    Sabrina…you look fantastic in person (trust me, spandex doesn’t lie). It is very admirable that you’re making the choice to give Raffi what he needs right now and take one for the team (so to speak) in the calorie counting department. I’m right there in solidarity with you. See you soon! Anna

  13. Ahhh totally feel you. My baby is four months and no matter what I do…exercise …eat healthy…etc the scale won’t budge. I really think its from bfeeding, I just find I am always sooo hungry, I try to eat lots of protein and work out but nothing! Hope it gets easier as I don’t fit into any of my pre preg pants 🙁 . I have heard it gets better as they get older who knows 😉

  14. Megan

    We had our babies on the same day (I think!) and I felt the same way you do for months! By 6 months, we weaned her from breastfeeding though because my little girl was all about the bottle and got so distracted when I fed her. I have found (and my doctor told me) that for many people, it isn’t even possible to lose those last 5-10lbs while breastfeeding. Your body holds onto them on purpose bc it knows you are feeding another living thing. While breasfeeding, I could eat really healthily and exericse or I could eat horribly and a lot and the scale never budged. Then, I lost 2lbs in the last 2 weeks after weaning just by adding back more running and I think my stomach actually deflated a bit more after breastfeeding, so keep that in mind too….I know it’s frustrating!!

  15. Thanks for posting about this. I had a similar weight gain and progression as you did when you were pregnant, and I’m having similar postpartum results. I gained 45, lost 23 without doing anything and I’ve lost one pound since then. My baby is 2 months. I’m on Weight Watchers now and exercising but even so, the scale is very reluctant to go down. I haven’t even tried on my pre-pregnancy pants. It’s hard to feel so uncomfortable in my own skin, but I hate to think about the fact that I’ll lose the weight by 9 months because then my baby girl will be 9 months which is too big! 😉

  16. Hey, you are wearing stripes with confidence and looking good. Clearly you are on the right track.

    I gained 60 pounds in my pregnancy and Weight Watchers helped me get 10 pounds out from my pre-pregnancy weight. While I was a diehard committed Weight Watchers follower prior to pregnancy, I learned that breast feeding past three months of age and WW wasn’t a fit. I felt terrible from the WW fat content restrictions, stopped losing weight and saw a drop off in milk production. It was hard to quit and worried me, but I put my trust back in intuitive eating, as I did when pregnant, and focused on what I needed to provide as much milk as possible to my little guy. I am happy to report that I am losing weight again and milk supply is back where it needs to be.

    I swear learning how to drop the baby weight safety while being a full-time breast feeding mama is so difficult! Like you, I too just have to remind myself that my body is on the timeline it needs to follow.

  17. You look great and seem to be balancing everything really well! Best of luck with the continued progress.

  18. Sounds like you’re making progress while being balanced and sane- so glad for you 🙂 You look fabulous and so happy.

  19. You look great! I’m reading this at 34 weeks pregnant and really appreciate the honesty. I know it’s not an easy road and you are getting there. Thank you for sharing!

  20. Fage Total is like heaven. The only reason I buy 2% is because I can rarely find whole fat!

  21. Christine

    When I gave up eating meat, lunch was a hugeee struggle for me! But now, I eat a slight variation of your lunch that fills me up, is delicious, and I think would save you some time (w/ the chicken) and calories! I simply toast multigrain bread for a minute or two, then spread one side with roasted red pepper hummus and one side with pesto. Then, I add a handful of spinach, 1/4 fresh mozz ball, and a few sliced tomatoes to the middle. It is so yummy and satisfying! Try it sometime and tell me what you think 🙂

  22. I am so grateful for this post. I am almost 10 months post partum and I feel like I still have a long ways to go, but I am losing the weight slowly and in a healthy way. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. I am glad I am not the only momma who didn’t lose it all 5 days after giving birth 🙂

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