11 Responses to “The Grocery Challenge: Week# 2 ($175)”


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  1. Melissa "ZumbaFreak" Paretchan

    Do you get the BJ coupons in the mail? Sometimes w/ a coupon you can get a free bag of Stacey’s with a purchase of hummus or vice versa.

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      I used my Stacy’s coupon the week before but Trig was really sick and ate the whole bag! I wasn’t sure if there was a way to get a second coupon from BJ’s?

      • jennifer

        if you go to the front desk and ask if they have extra coupon books they will give you them. sometimes they ask for your bj’s card but most clubs have no problem giving you one.

  2. jennifer

    ok Stonyfield has monthly coupons on there site you get to print once a month just sign up. heres ones I think will work really well for you
    http://www.healthylifedeals.com/ wholefoods match-ups
    http://www.commonkindness.com/printable-grocery-coupons/5 lots of organic coupons
    http://www.mybjswholesale.com/ bj’s match-ups
    http://moneysavingmom.com/ has a list of lots of grocey stores plus drug store, target etc!

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      Thank you. This was stuck in my pending comments but I see it now. heading over to the BJ’s match up site right now before I head there!

  3. Patricia

    I am new to your blog however, I couldn’t help but reach out to you with help about coupons because this is one thing that is really important to me. First, I wanted to mention to you about trying to get your Stacey’s Pita Coupon. Sometimes you can also go to their Facebook page, and if you like them, they will offer coupons. Also if you subscribe to Coupon Mom (www.couponmom.com) you have the option to put in Various zip codes and sometimes you can find some awesome deals. Another website I wanted to recommend is A Full Cup (www.afullcup.com). This is a great website, as they help you find deals and have forums for people with whom have great ideas for finding great deals, trading coupons, or just finding about deals to which you can get stuff next to nothing. Also Whole Foods online has coupons: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/coupons. And finally, I wanted to let you know about also Mambo Sprouts.com, this a healthy foods website. They are great at providing coupons for the Bunny Luv Crackers, as I’ve seen them on there before. I hope this helps. 🙂

  4. Sole

    I thought your little guy was alergic to peanuts? But you still eat it? My son also has a peanut allergy and we were recommended not to have it in the house at all. We have substituted with almond butter and like it very much!

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      Yes, he is allergic. That’s interesting because our pediatric allergist told us to keep it AROUND him as much as possible so that his allergy wouldn’t get worse. I eat peanut butter sitting next to him every morning and he has not had any issues so far. I’m careful to remove my plate and clean it immediately after eating. For several months we were a peanut free household but we are now following the suggestions we were given at his follow up appointment. He eats almond butter and loves it and knows he has a peanut allergy and is very careful about asking us before he eats anything (especially when out). We also keep all peanut products really high up in our pantry. We also give him products produced in a facility that has peanuts per our allergist’s recommendation.

  5. Diana

    Recipe for the chicken legs marinated in green sauce please! Sounds delicious

    • RhodeyGirlTests

      It’s coming! I didn’t have quite enough basil to do them right, so as soon as the spring comes and my plant grows I will share it!

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