5 Responses to “Kid dinners, AKA munchkin meals”


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  1. Love the presentation of your kiddos meals! We’ve never actually done family style meals, though. Generally we just put everything on plates and then serve that way, but as our toddler grows more and more independent I wonder if he’d appreciate being able to choose and serve himself. Great idea!

  2. we’re in a very similar situation with our 2.5 year-old son. some night he does great and eats what we eat and sits nicely and chats for 15 minutes. other nights he refuses food and the dinner routine period. i think you’re doing everything right by offering new foods, waiting to hand out treats, not stressing when they don’t eat and trusting their bodies. it’s definitely a work in progress. we’re hoping the consistency of meal time will pay off around 5 too. hang in there, mama!


  3. lauren

    You’re so great about offering a variety. I fall into not putting things my son doesn’t like on the plate, only to realize he’s over this or that aversion. Sometimes one “yucky” bite will ruin him on the whole plate though, which is why I am careful.
    Growing up, we always had family style meals. Even if there were 5 pieces of chicken, my mom served them on a plate. When it was just my husband and I, we’d at least put the sides in dishes and bring those to the table most night. Now it is more buffet style at the island/stove.
    So far, my 14.5 mo eats what we eat most nights, but I know that could change at anytime. Sometimes he has leftovers from the night before if I get home late.

  4. BethP

    I think you’re doing beautifully. My daughter (a couple of weeks younger than Ali) is just getting to the point where she will eat components of our meals, rather than me having to give her something separate. It is much easier this way! I do choose recipes that are kid-friendly (pasta and frittata are staples), but we’re able to eat something we all enjoy together. As long as they are eating and the food is mostly healthy–I feel like you’re on just the right track.

    I also really appreciated your previous post. As we are thinking about a second child, it’s so nice to hear the genuine thoughts of someone’s who’s been there!

  5. hahahaha that is so funny and adorable!! that they need to eat things in separate components, i guess they are okay with grilled cheese though !

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