10 Responses to “RhodeyGirl's Roast Beef Tenderloin”


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  1. An

    Hello! This is my first time leaving a comment on a blog, but I have been following yours for the past month or so. Anyway, I am planning my wedding for 2010 and we have decided to take our honeymoon in Bora Bora at the Hilton resort. I noticed you had just gone to Bora Bora as well and wondered if you had any tips for planning a vacation there. Do you have an email I could reach you at? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! Love your blog and reading about cooking/newlywed life 🙂

  2. We have beef tenderloin every Christmas Day, and I love it. I only attmepted to make it once, but I bought it before it was trimmed. That was a freakin’ chore!!

  3. My Aunt always made beef tenderloin for Christmas. It was always delicious and buttery and yummy. Unfortunately I can’t eat beef anymore but it sure was good! Your recipe sounds amazing as well!

  4. I love tenderloin! I’m glad you conquered it =D

  5. Isn’t it great when you conquer little fears like that? I like making stuffed pork tenderloin. It always looks super fancy but it’s pretty easy, lean and delicious 😀

  6. Love your cooking challenges. Thanks for your great question on our blog. I responded to it but than thought I should comment here as well (though your comment sparked an idea for us – what a great post topic) 🙂 Anyways, we love food – all types of food. We love reading cookbooks, magazines, shows, etc. We love to see what people can do with food, but nowadays our view of food has changed. From suffering from food allergies and stomach issues your whole life it kinda makes you look at food differently. Food is our life, it fuels us for our everyday challenges. Going out to eat can be bit of a challenge though we try not to make a big deal of it. We try to keep things simple. I wish we had better stomachs so we can eat what we used too, but than again we love where we are in life. We love the raw foods we eat, because not only do they taste amazing they look amazing. I just wish more restaurants offered food for all types of people! I hope that makes sense 🙂 We love learning and playing in the kitchen we new tools and/or ingredients, so that is where we spend our time. Creating new recipes with unique ingredients. 🙂

  7. YUM!! I know The Husband would LOVE this – he eats all things beef. Thanks for the recipe 🙂

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