13 Responses to “Tips for Healthy Traveling”


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  1. Another tip I thought of: get back into your normal routine IMMEDIATELY! It’s easy when the vacation is over to still be “on vacation” from working out and things start to slip downhill…

  2. i would agree with lisa…getting out of vacation mentality when you get home can be hard, but it’s worth it when it comes to working out!

  3. Great additional tips! I do always find room in my suitcase for my workout clothes too! Getting up 45 minutes to an hour earlier to squeeze in a little workout always makes me feel better! <3 your blog Sabrina!

  4. I swear by all of these tips! Im extremely hardcore about staying hydrated because I often mistake thirst for hunger!

  5. Sherif and I travel once a month to visit either my family (in VA) and his family (in NJ). Traveling does get hectic for sure, and it messes up our sleeping/eating schedules temporarily. I love the tips for packing fruits (bananas for short-term and oranges/apples for long-term) and mixed nuts and seeds (I love pumpkin seeds – took a whole bag on our honeymoon for myself lol). Also, love the tip about staying hydrated – I used to mistake thirst for hunger all the time. Sherif and I carry around stainless steel water bottles EVERYWHERE now!

  6. Love these tips! I need to be a better snack-packer, it is something I don’t really do!

  7. These are SUCH useful and practical tips, Sabrina! You rock. It’s always nice to be reminded how to bring healthy living on the road 🙂

  8. Thanks for the tips! I travel for work and am always looking for ways to make it healthier. I have a 20 minute workout down pat, and it’s a killer!

  9. I am a snack packing maniac when I go places. I think most people think I’m nutty, but when they want a snack bar of some kind they revoke their thoughts 🙂

  10. These are awesome tips! I LOVE the 70/30 rule.

  11. That picture of the croissants is so inviting. I definitely follow a similar rule when on vacation. It’s about indulging but still feeling great so a balance of fresh produce and healthy meals with treats is perfect. Plus I almost always seem more active on vacations! Great tips! 🙂

  12. Thanks for the shout out lady! Whole Foods is seriously the best for grabbing healthy travel snacks.

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