6 Responses to “Athenos Change for the Feta Program”


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  1. stephanie

    this photo is win.

  2. I’ve seen just about everyone with those props on there heads, so funny and you look so cute.

  3. I love all of your salads, and must try to deconstructed spanakopita! Your blog is very inspiring 🙂

  4. Cutest picture in history. 🙂

    Great ideas!

  5. Danielle

    One of my favorite feta meals is actually a grilled pizza–I make a whole wheat pizza dough and top it with caramelized onions from our local farmers market, pesto from the basil in my garden, and feta (I use Athenos)…the feta is so creamy when it comes off the grill and the sweetness of the onions with the salty feta is really nice too.

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